Patrick Kruse
Founder, Ruffwear
The Culture
Demographics (Optional):
45% Male, 55% Female // Leadership Team is 43% Female, 57% Male // 94% White, 5% Vietnamese, 1% Korean
The best thing about working at RUFFWEAR IS:
The dogs outnumber the humans. Also, Halloween.
When we’re not working, we’re:
Walking, hiking, trail running, mountain biking, skiing, and rafting with our dogs. Ok, we’re basically with our dogs all the time.
What we’re reading:
Our Knot-A-Book Club has recently been reading a lot of Brené Brown and we have a cross-functional team exploring the work of Frederic Lalous in “Reinventing Organizations”.
What we’re listening to:
We love a good TED Talk. From onboarding all new employees with, “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” by Simon Sinek, to our very own employee Heather McKendry’s Tedx Talk, “Dark is the New Light”, You might consider us “TEDexperts.”
If they made a movie about our workplace, it would be called:
“It’s a Dog’s World (and We’re Just Livin’ in It)” and “Unleashing Love”
Inclusion in the outdoors matters because:
We want to see more dogs and their humans exploring the outdoors together. We believe that having access to the outdoors and a connection to nature is foundational to becoming a great leader – and that diversifying the outdoors will help change the face of leadership in our country.
Five years down the line, it’s our hope that:
Ruffwear will be known for supporting outdoor exploration for ALL dogs and ALL of their humans.