Anastasia Allison
Founder, Kula Cloth
The Basics
Company Name: Kula Cloth
Location: Mill Creek, WA
Founded: 2018
Full-Time Employees: 1
Products: Kula Cloth™
Social: Website Instagram Facebook
Claim to Fame: We turned the lowly pee cloth into a legit piece of gear. Kula is the first of its kind: an antimicrobial pee cloth for all of life’s adventures. Kula is also a world traveler: One Kula has summited Mt. Kilimanjaro and we currently have a Kula en route to Everest Base Camp!
The Culture
The best thing about working here is:
Watching the adventures of Kula in the world and seeing this tiny piece of gear make a massive difference. Behind every Kula snapped to a pack is an adventure – a story.
When we’re not working, we’re:
playing violin with @themusicalmountaineers
What we’re reading:
The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle, The Graveyard Book – Neil Gaiman
What we’re listening to:
Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto (I’ve been obsessed with this song since I was a little girl!), Aaron Crawford – A Heart Like Hers (got a soft spot for PNW country!)
If they made a movie about our workplace, it would be called:
‘Don’t Google ‘Pee Cloth’ Unless Your Adult Filter is On’
Inclusion in the outdoors matters because:
The wilderness reflects the beauty that exists inside each of us. That beauty exists for every person on this planet to see. When we spend time outside, we can sense the truth of who we are –– this is the reason that we often describe a sense of ‘coming home’ when we spend time outside. Inclusion matters because we are all connected – we are all so unique, yet so much the same. We are spinning around on this beautiful planet that we call the earth, and just as the mountains don’t disallow the ice or the rocks from nestling on their slopes – so too, we cannot say that the outdoors is a place for only some people. It is a place for all of us. It is our home.
Five years down the line, it’s our hope that:
Kula Cloth™ will be a household name and an essential piece of gear that is making a difference not only for hygiene, but for Leave No Trace Practices around the world. We want to cultivate an environment where LNT is the norm, not the exception. We want to create a diverse and inclusive community that has made the choice to adventure with intention – and we want that type of positive intention to ripple into all areas of life.