Kate Dobbie
Executive Director, Higher Ground
The Basics
Company Name: Higher Ground
Location: National with locations in Sun Valley, ID – Los Angeles, CA – Buffalo, NY
Founded: Sun Valley, ID
Full-Time Employees: 25
Products: Recreational Therapy
Social: Instagram
Claim to Fame: Adventure. Support. Belonging.
The Culture
The best thing about working at higher Ground is:
We know no boundaries or limitations; our doors are wide open to others, ideas and innovations especially when it comes to serving others in our communities and around the nation.
When we’re not working, we’re:
Outside recreating, spending quality time with family and friends, investing in a brighter future for ourselves and others and fighting injustice in the streets.
What we’re reading:
The Body Keeps the Score, Daring Greatly, Between the World and Me, The Four Agreements, Nonviolent Communication, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
What we’re listening to:
Finding Your Summit with Mark Pattison, Intersectionality Matters, Rich Roll, Ibeyi “River”
If they made a movie about our workplace, it would be called:
Inclusion in the outdoors matters because:
It’s the very foundation where people thrive, remain rooted and connect. Think about it: where do we go when we want to feel grounded, where do we go to get one of the most essential vitamins needed, where do we go for an “escape”? We are innately drawn as a species to the great outdoors, it is a basic need for our foundation of life.
Five years down the line, it’s our hope that:
Everyone - no matter who they are - is able to have an equal, accessible, equitable, and enhanced quality of life through recreation and the great outdoors.