Rob Spath
CEO, Conservation Legacy
The Basics
Non-profit Name: Conservation Legacy
Location: Nation-wide, centralized in Durango, CO
Founded: In conservation since 1998, DBA Conservation Legacy since 2014
Full-Time Employees: 110
Products: Personal development, empowerment and transformation through conservation and service. Positive impact on the local environment through quality project work.
Social: Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / LinkedIn / YouTube
Claim to Fame: We’ve operated conservation service programs in almost every U.S. state and territory!
The Culture
Shirena Trujillo Long
Director of Diversity and Recruitment, Conservation Legacy
Demographics (Optional):
32% Male, 62% Female, 6% Other (Preferred not to answer) // More than 70% White, 14% Native American, 13% Latinx, 1% Asian-American, 8% of our staff prefer not to answer and 4% of our staff identify with two or more races, which is why the total percentages don’t equal 100.
The best thing about working at Conservation Legacy is:
We’re a big, diverse family! We work hard, and we play hard.
When we’re not working, we’re:
Hiking, camping, recreating in the outdoors!
What we’re reading:
Staff DEI bookclub is reading: Trace by Lauret Savoy; and White Spaces, Black Faces by Carolyn Finney
What we’re listening to:
Nahko and Medicine for the People, ABBA, Tom Petty
If they made a movie about our workplace, it would be called:
Harry Potter and the Pulaski of FIRE
Inclusion in the outdoors matters because:
Experiencing the outdoors is healing and healthy and these values should be accessible to all populations.
Five years down the line, it’s our hope that:
Conservation Legacy is an innovator in the way we create an authentically inclusive culture representative of the demographics in the nation and unique regions we serve.