Photo: @natuxicana // Eliana Ruval
Bethany Lebewitz
Founder and CEO, Brown Girls Climb
Steering Committee Member
The Basics
Company Name: Brown Girls Climb, LLC
Location: Based in Colorado but we have a national presence and hopefully international!
Founded: 2016
Full-Time Employees: 1
Products: Member-based club to provide advancement for women of color (WOC) in rock climbing and education, provide community events, and WOC designed apparel.
Social: Instagram // Facebook // Website
Claim to Fame: Started from the Insta now we here!
The Culture
The best thing about working at brown girls climb is:
We’re growing every day. Right now we have contracted leaders and we’re making the company we want to see in the industry. A company that elevates women of color, that cares about marginalized communities, and a company that loves to rock climbing and play outside!
When we’re not working, we’re:
Rock Climbing or fighting systematic oppression on the daily.
What we’re reading:
Conscious Capitalism, Decolonizing Wealth, Minority Leader, Becoming
What we’re listening to:
Code Switch, Selena, Brandy and all the good stuff.
If they made a movie about our workplace, it would be called:
In her steps: Following our mother’s steps to climb the highest mountains.
Inclusion in the outdoors matters because:
We are the outdoors. Every part of us is rooted in this earth. We believe inclusion will arise as we begin to recognize how deeply rooted all of us our in this world.
Five years down the line, it’s our hope that:
We can employ women of color from across the spectrum of experiences both personal and professional. I hope we can provide a brand and a space for women of color to know that they have stake in our future by providing opportunities experience rock climbing and build a brand that resonates hope for that next ascent. Together we rise, ladies.