Mike Cosentino
Founder, Big Peach Running Co.
The Basics
Company Name: Big Peach Running Co.
Location: Atlanta, GA
Founded: 2004
Full-Time Employees: 55
Products: Footwear, Apparel & Accessories for a “Pedestrian-Active Lifestyle” (running, walking, jogging, hiking)
Social: Instagram // Twitter // Website
Claim to Fame: Our trademarked “RUNATL: Heat, Hills & Humidity” tees prove you do not have to be in Atlanta to be #RUNATL!
The Culture
The best thing about working at big peach running co. is:
that our #1 Core Value - - Our Best Business Asset Is Our Team - - is threaded into every organizational decision and evident in the autonomy and confidence placed in each team member to make decisions.
When we’re not working, we’re:
Running trails!
What we’re reading:
The Infinite Game (Simon Sinek); Nobody Cries When We Die (Patrick Reyes)
What we’re listening to:
Akimbo (weekly podcast from Seth Godin); 80’s first-wave and headbanging tunes of old (because we cannot move on)
If they made a movie about our workplace, it would be called:
Mission Possible
Inclusion in the outdoors matters because:
It is scientifically proven and historically accurate that a “pedestrian-active lifestyle” improves wellness, relationships, mental acuity, workplace performance and longevity in all ethnicities and income levels. So why is it not more or equally prevalent across all societal groupings?!?
Five years down the line, it’s our hope that:
We can recall 2020 as a time when the pandemic became the impetus to a greater interest in the outdoors and being pedestrian-active - - and it’s still very much evident and growing in 2025, thus establishing a favorable legacy for such a reportedly difficult time. Moreover, the unrest that was so prevalent in that same year resulted in a zillion times more progress and racial equity in the last five (5) years than our society had made cumulatively since colonization. Included in this wave of improvement is an affinity for, access to, and availability of fitness- and recreational pursuits in the outdoors for more people than ever, with an incredible blurriness of which color of people are participating the most…