Adam Kolton
Executive Director, Alaska Wilderness League
The Basics
Nonprofit Name: Alaska Wilderness League
Location: Washington, DC | Anchorage, AK
Founded: 1993
Full-Time Employees: 18
Social: Facebook // Twitter // Instagram
Claim to Fame: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart – Ben and Jerry’s Baked Alaska
The Culture
The best thing about working here is:
Working with others that are professionally and personally passionate about protecting public lands and waters in Alaska. Oh and we also love the annual holiday party with an ice luge polar bear sculpture!
When we’re not working, we’re:
Backcountry skiing, hiking with dogs, watching/arguing over baseball.
What we’re reading:
Midnight Wilderness by Debbie Miller, Circe by Madeline Miller, White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo, The Collected Schizophrenias by Esmé Weijun Wang.
What we’re listening to:
Seal, Bruce, New York Times The Daily, Spotify’s #ThrowbackThursday, Blame by Calvin Harris.
If they made a movie about our workplace, it would be called:
It’s…complicated, Fast Times at the Wayburn Wilderness House.
Inclusion in the outdoors matters because:
We believe that everyone has the right to clean air, clean water, and access to public lands. This should be a right to all and not a privilege to the few. We also believe it’s important to be cognizant of, learn about and honor and respect the indigenous peoples who thrived for centuries on lands that were colonized by white settlers.
Five years down the line, it’s our hope that:
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is protected as Wilderness, roadless areas in the Tongass National Forest are maintained and we’ve taken meaningful action – as a country – to address the climate crisis.